European Solidarity Corps vacancies in Madrid

5 / 07 / 24

New opportunities available in Madrid! We are looking for 6 volunteers to work in differents entities of Vallecas, 1 in Association La Kalle and another one to work in Europa Joven Madrid office.


These are 8 long-term individual volunteer projects from October 2, 2024 to July 31, 2025.


The volunteer projects will take place in Madrid, Spain.

About the organizations

Coordinadora Infantil y Juvenil de Tiempo Libre de Vallecas is a nonprofit association created by organizations and associations working with children and youth at risk of social exclusion in Vallecas district and Ciudad Lineal, in the south-east of Madrid, Spain. Volunteer’s activity will be developed within 7 of our entities.The associations have in common the community work and social intervention that they do in the city through different educational projects aimed to children, teenagers, young adults, and families. Tasks of the volunteers will be related to support the daily work of the associations such as
their tutoring program, leisure time activities, workshops, and summer camps. The volunteers will also support the office of Europa Joven Madrid, an information and cultural center that promotes European mobility and projects.

ASSOCIATION LA KALLE is a non-profit association that supports the integral development of people at risk and/or social exclusion in the neighborhood of Vallecas in Madrid (Spain), since1984 and officially founded in 1986. Its mission is to work to promote their employability sothat they can develop their potential and become professionally qualified.

EUROPA JOVEN MADRID is a service run by the Youth Department of Madrid’s City Hall. It is anEuropean youth information and cultural center based in the municipal Chamberí Youth Center.EJM promotes European mobility through academic, employment, volunteering, and culturalopportunities and is both a sending and hosting organization for European volunteers. EJM isalso a local Eurodesk information point.

Volunteer’s tasks

In entities of Vallecas

  • Supporting, creating and implementing leisure time activities
  • Supporting the tutoring program
  • Helping in other areas/activities related to the association
  • Participating in weekend trips outside the city and the summer camps

In Association La Kalle

  • Creation of graphic and audiovisual material for the dissemination and communication ofthe entity (presentations, infographics, dossiers, etc.).
  • Creation and development of fundraising actions (Funsdraising).
  • Creation of graphic and audiovisual material for the dissemination communication entity (presentations, infographics, dossiers, etc.).

In Europa Joven Madrid

Volunteer’s tasks: The volunteer will join a team of 3 youth workers at the office to supportthe daily work and will, among other tasks:

  • Develop language workshops
  • Support on social media content – newsletter, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter
  • Supervise the blog of other volunteers –
  • Support the informative sessions about European mobility in the center and outside

How to apply?

If you are interested, please fill in the form and choose the projects according to your preference:

Entities of Vallecas: form

La Kalleform

Europa Joven Madrid: form

It is also necessary to apply by European Youth Portal, here are all the links:

If you want to know more information about these projets, contact us:


The last day to apply for these volunteer offers is July 7, 2024.

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